This is the 10th street project run by Heavitree residents and supported by the Heavitree Squilometre. The project was kick-started by £300 passed on by the residents of Ladysmith Road who brought their own street project to a spectacular head in summer 2022. It has been kindly supported by Heavitree's ECC and DCC Councillors with special thanks to
Cllr Barbara Denning for pitching in with the Pod!
The Victor Street Pod of residents brought the whole thing to a head in a wonderful finale celebration on
Saturday 4th May, 2024
- The judging of the street window boxes and unveiling of the street heritage plaque by the Lord Mayor of Exeter
- May procession to the Heavitree Pleasure Grounds
- Refreshments and mayday crafting at the Bowling Club

Great day. Wonderful turn out.
Loved the crafting. Thank you.
Good time.
Yummy cakes and drinks.
Thank you for making the street beautiful.
Beautiful window boxes and lovely flower crowns.
Good cakes.
Lovely time :)
Well done to you and your team for organising a great last day for our Victor Street celebrations. Great that the sun shine (finally) too!
Your event today was a triumph and it looked as though the Lord Mayor enjoyed the celebration.
Well done to you and all of your helpers.
A very sunny success!!
Congratulations it was amazing x
And the sun shone too.
Well done everyone.
Lovely to see all.of the window boxes. It was a great morning.
Well done Tammy and all residents looks lovely x
We’ve loved seeing all the flowers bloom in the window boxes-great job all! Xxx
Loved the crafting. Thank you.
Good time.
Yummy cakes and drinks.
Thank you for making the street beautiful.
Beautiful window boxes and lovely flower crowns.
Good cakes.
Lovely time :)
Well done to you and your team for organising a great last day for our Victor Street celebrations. Great that the sun shine (finally) too!
Your event today was a triumph and it looked as though the Lord Mayor enjoyed the celebration.
Well done to you and all of your helpers.
A very sunny success!!
Congratulations it was amazing x
- Such a beautiful display, you have all worked so hard you should be so proud of yourselves. Very well done everyone .
And the sun shone too.
Well done everyone.
Lovely to see all.of the window boxes. It was a great morning.
Well done Tammy and all residents looks lovely x
We’ve loved seeing all the flowers bloom in the window boxes-great job all! Xxx

THE VICTOR STREET CELEBRATES! PROJECT STORY - See below how the project evolved, led by the Victor Street Pod - a lovely group of residents who came together in fun and goodwill to make great things happen on their street!!
January 2023
Tammy Laskey, the Heavitree Squilometre volunteer Place Champion, began to put out feelers via social networking around the heritage of the street, inviting stories and memories. Face to face chats with some lovely people building the story of the street and then in February 2023 Tammy created a fun gathering for those who responded and the first Pod meeting happened. The Ladysmith Pod came along to pay forward the surplus from their own Street Celebration and handed over a cheque for £300!
February 2023
Throughout February the Pod continue to meet, making new friends and connections and meeting neighbours properly for the first time.
A plan for a year long celebration of the street forms!!
April 2023
The Victor Street took advantage of the Heavitree Bowling Club taster sessions to get together and bond as a team. Now they're thrilled to be sharing their May Celebrations 2024 with the Bowling Club again.
June 2023
Tammy arranged for Jenny Michelmore of the Wonford Planters to meet up with the Pod to advise on their plans for a street lined with window boxes. Thank you Jenny, you're a star! Local builder Martyn Morris identified by the Pod to make the boxes.

July 2023
Lots of door knocking by Tammy and the Pod making sure that every single Victor Street resident receives an offer of a free window box. Twenty one take ups! Window boxes construction begins.
September 2023
Cllr Barbara Denning helps the Pod engage the Lord Mayor for the Window Box judging. Connections made with local builder and with Dean Clarke of the Community Pay Back team. Further funding bid made to DCC Locality Budget.
Cllr Barbara Denning helps the Pod engage the Lord Mayor for the Window Box judging. Connections made with local builder and with Dean Clarke of the Community Pay Back team. Further funding bid made to DCC Locality Budget.

October 2023
The Pod get to attend a bespoke visit with the Outreach Officer at the Devon Heritage Centre uncovering local history records for Victor Street.

November 2023
The Community Pay Back team clear Victor Lane of weeds and rubbish. The window boxes and bars are fitted!
January/February 2024
Pod meets again and plans are afoot for a Heritage Plaque with a link to recorded street memories!
Pod meets again and plans are afoot for a Heritage Plaque with a link to recorded street memories!